About “The Compounding Tortoise”

Boring Wins

“The Compounding Tortoise” is an investment research newsletter that focuses on high-quality companies and applying a practical framework to long-term shareholder value compounding. The term Tortoise is derived from the fable “the Hare and the Tortoise” in which the latter wins the game through its stable/boring run.

What’s the difference between our approach and many others’ quality-investing strategy?

  • Contextualization of numbers vs. generalizing stock screener information. We’re looking beneath the surface when analyzing financials;

  • We are sometimes contrarian;

  • Detailed analysis that’s highly appreciated by our members

Our Services

On this Substack, we’ll provide you with the following information:

  • educational articles about fundamental analysis and general posts

  • bi-weekly webinars to address key concepts on fundamental analysis, shareholder value creation, M&A et cetera

  • quarterly letters on our portfolio strategy, holdings, performance

  • deep dives, follow-ups, earnings analyses and real-life stock portfolio

  • weekly news digest

  • reports on 10 diverse serial acquirers

Bonus: a private Discord where you can exchange views with other like-minded quality growth investors.

We treat our members as our Partners.

As the Linde management said in 2023: “Our job of management is not to predict what will happen, but instead, execute in a volatile world and deliver on our commitments.” That’s what you can expect from our substack as well: focused and objective research, and a transparently shared portfolio for the quality growth investor.

So welcome aboard!

Keen on learning more about our thorough research process and portfolio of quality compounders? The yearly plan costs 299 EUR, which includes access to our private Discord for like-minded quality growth investors.

Become a premium member


KISS and Concentrated

We’re fond of the KISS strategy: a selective set of parameters to determine whether a company is 1) capable of compounding total shareholder capital at a decent clip, whilst earning a high return on that capital and 2) whether or not it’s already priced in from a long-term perspective.

However, KISS does not mean superficial and fast decision-making. Our stock investment portfolio is concentrated on our highest-conviction ideas. It typically takes several weeks or even months before our rigorous research process on a potential new name is complete.

Before we got involved in private M&A-dealmaking, our stock watchlist and portfolio consisted of 30+ names. And for us, it was impractical to follow up on each of the screened stocks in great detail.

Past vs. Future Capital Allocation

While most quality investors will simply stick to the compounders that have already proven themselves, it’s more important to break down the company’s future capital allocation strategy. So it can happen that the highest ROIC company is not the best option, when a lower-ROIC alternative is able to reinvest more at still elevated returns. This is shown in the comparative tables below.

Stated differently, quality-investing and finding our lovely tortoise compounders is all about thinking about the capital allocation strategy of an already proven high-quality business model.

After that, it’s calculating a company’s terminal cash stream (adjusted for leasing and share-based compensation), applying a multiple to that figure and calculating the present IRR. The shorter your investment horizon, the less attractive quality stocks will be and the higher the perceived risk of multiple contraction.


The Compounding Tortoise is not a licensed investment professional. Nothing produced by The Compounding Tortoise should be construed as investment advice. Investing may result in losses. Do your own research.

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The content provided on the Substack by the publisher is not guaranteed to be accurate or comprehensive. All opinions and statements expressed herein are solely those of the author.

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The Compounding Tortoise serves as a publisher of financial information and does not function as an investment advisor. Personalized or tailored investment advice is not offered. The information presented on this website does not cater to individual recipient needs.

Not Investment Advice

The information found on this website should not be interpreted as investment advice, nor does it express any viewpoint on the future trading prices of any company's securities. The opinions and information shared here should not be taken as specific guidance for making investment decisions. Investors are encouraged to conduct their own research and evaluations based on publicly available information, rather than relying on the content herein.

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The content, including opinions and expressions, present on this website, is not a direct or indirect offer or solicitation to buy or sell securities or financial instruments mentioned.

Forward-Looking Statements and Uncertainties

Any forward-looking statements, projections, or market forecasts contained in this content are inherently uncertain and speculative. They are based on certain assumptions and may not accurately reflect actual future events. Unforeseen events might impact the performance of discussed securities significantly. The provided information is current as of the preparation date and might not apply to future circumstances. The publisher is not obligated to correct, update, or revise the content beyond its initial publication date.

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Steadily compounding high-quality companies | Detailed analysis on ROI(I)C, reinvestment rate and sustained shareholder value creation


Quality growth investor - Founder and writer of "The Compounding Tortoise"